viernes, febrero 18, 2005

¡Hola! Life in Spain is beginning to feel more like just Now you might think that sounds strange or that I am sleep deprived or even that I am speaking simply and trying to be profound...nope! I am only trying to help you understand a little about what has been happening in my world lately. As of today I have been in Santiago de Compostela for one whole month, well that is if you are counting it as the four week mark...anyways things are starting to settle down now. I can get to class every morning without asking directions and to a couple different supermarkets without pulling my map out fifteen times...I even have started to find my favorite cafés. For those of you who know me well and my ability to loose myself in will know that this is quite a feat...haha...or just necessity! I think that most amazing part (for me) though is the people that have come across my path here. Through intercambios, and just life in general, I have been able to meet quite a few people and am starting to form a couple different group of friends. For some reason or another (I have no clue why) they call me and want to hang out and get coffee or they invite me to see a movie or go to a party. Now I´m not sure why they are so persistent at calling...not because I´m not sure of myself or anything, but because I´m really not incredibly cool and my language skills are about that of a kindergardner! :) Their consistency and kindness though has taught me a lot about friendship...about how I might even be a better one. I won´t bore you with the details now. I´ll save that for another time and another post! I´ll try to get some more pics up later.

1 comentarios:

A las 2/23/2005 02:08:00 a. m. , Anonymous Anónimo ha dicho...

hey eva! im so glad your having a good time! i love looking at your pictures and everything.. im so excited for you. ive been praying for you. and everythings going great at church. we're still doing shape groups and stuff sunday night and trips to starbucks, of course!... i dont want to make this comment really long, but thought id give you a tid-bit! i love you! <3


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