martes, octubre 18, 2005

old el paso

NEVER eat guacamole from a jar...let me spare you some dissapointment and pain. i was at el corte ingles getting groceries last night and stumbled into the mexican food eisle...well OK..i went straight there...and i thought...hmmm...guacamole?! a JAR?! fun! how convenient! it only took the 20 minute walk home and the three mins of trying to open that blasted lid to find out that my lovely guacamole tasted like elmers glue. since glue doen't actually enhance the flavor very well of fajitas, my dinner was a little boring...but ah well. i've learned my lesson.

1 comentarios:

A las 10/24/2005 07:45:00 p. m. , Blogger Casey ha dicho...

I'll be sure to learn how to make guac(the real deal stuff, yo) in Mx so that I can teach you whenever we end up in the same place again! I heart you!


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