martes, marzo 06, 2007


we recently had a retreat here in bcn. there were old friends there and new ones were made as well... me, aj (and her incredibly long tongue), beccah and matt sunset at the port this is tep and my olan mills photo

my artsy photo of carrie ann and haley


haley and carrie ann

1 comentarios:

A las 3/07/2007 03:15:00 a. m. , Blogger James ha dicho...

That's understandable. Hope you had fun while you were home. Me and Carrie and Bethany are having a blast at seminary. I'm over at their place pretty much every night - the food's a lot better than at mine. Plus, we have a bunch of classes together, so it's pretty cool. They just went to debriefing and saw the whole crew, which was sweet.

Hope y'all are having a good day.


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