lunes, octubre 24, 2005


my granddaddy ben passed away saturday morning in north carolina. i love and miss you grandaddy. i'm so thankful that i got to be a part of your life for 24 years.

3 comentarios:

A las 10/24/2005 03:54:00 p. m. , Blogger Lindsey ha dicho...

I am sorry to hear that Eva. I know it is hard being away in times like that. But I am glad for you to that you did have him for 24 years. I am glad you got your blog updated. I bet you had a great time with your folks!


A las 10/26/2005 04:24:00 a. m. , Anonymous Anónimo ha dicho...

Great picture of the rug rats and granddaddy. Love you bunches and think about you always.

Love Dad

A las 10/26/2005 06:11:00 a. m. , Anonymous Anónimo ha dicho...

Good picture of Grandaddy. I'm not sure if I had seen that one before. I love you, and hopefully we talk soon. I hope you are doing well! :)


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