domingo, diciembre 18, 2005


this is one of my favorite people. his name is jonas. he is probably the best natured little person i know. he laughs at our dumbness. he makes us laugh with his jonas-ness. he smiles and flirts with random people. he plays hard. he dances to music videos. he likes peas. he says "OH" and points a lot. he wants to walk he just doesn't know he can yet. basically he is amazing. anyways so much for the jonas tribute. you are loved. :) (this pic was taken today at montserrat when he was really mad about the gloves and hat he was wearing.)

1 comentarios:

A las 12/19/2005 07:39:00 p. m. , Blogger Casey ha dicho...

Ahh, he really is all that and a bag of chips. He most definently had all of us at the shelter gooing and gahing over him!


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