paper mache
it is christmas eve...ah hem...actually it is christmas now in spain since i am seven hours ahead of home. and i find myself eatting mexican food, watching movies and blowdrying a paper mache balloon. spanish traditions? hardly. some bizarre party? nope. actually a couple friends and i just found ourselves bored and trying to forget that so much distance separated us from home.
don't get me wrong....i love barcelona. i have a life here and i'm deep in it with little desire to change where i am. its just that there really is no replacement for home. especially on days like today when everyone and their uncle is planning a family get-together.
no need to feel sorry for me though...i was lucky enough to have just had my sisters here for a few days last week. it passed so quickly that it left me wondering if they had actually come at all. amanda followed us around one day and took some fotos for us since we are so rarely all together. gracias aj. you are brillant.