this is an origami nativity scene that sarah and i stumbled across saturday morning with raquel in terrassa (a smaller city outside of bcn). this was made by a group of mentally and physically handicapped youth from the community.
i like this nativity scence for many reasons. one is it is creative and different. definitely not your typical living room baby Jesus and barn animals. another reason that i like this scene is the portrayal of Jesus. it is hard to see here, but in the manger in the middle is an open book. sarah originally pointed it out to me as a depiction of Jesus being the Word of Life that became flesh and dwelt among us. to me that is what christmas is all about. being thankful that God took on flesh to live amongst us. merry christmas and feliz navidad!
1 comentarios:
that is absolutely the coolest thing i've seen ever. thank you for putting that on your blog. not to be biased, but i love asians :) they think of the coolest stuff!
merry christmas, spain!!!!
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