jueves, diciembre 29, 2005

arnau and sarah

the first pic is of arnau helping us celebrate monday with susanna's family in granollers. we all gathered for a meal in her home for "dia de san esteban". whenever i ask someone why there is a day for saint stephen right after christmas, no one seems to know. looks like a good reason to be with family and eat way too much for another day. regardless, it was a wonderful expereince being able to share the festival and day with them. the other pics are of sarah and i wednesday. we left for the airport at an unbelievably horrible hour this morning so yesterday we tried to just soak up all the moments and seconds we could. we didn't do anything that impressive...just spent the morning by the water and the afternoon in gracia...but it was a good day. i loved having you here sarah. i loved getting to show you my city and my life here. i loved getting to hear your stories and thoughts and travel the past 8 months with you. i just loved having you here. come back soon! :)

1 comentarios:

A las 12/31/2005 05:55:00 a. m. , Blogger eshadevdas ha dicho...

YEA!!! Everything that you just said to me I am throwing the same right back at ya! Thanks for sharing your life with me, I had a wonderful time, and I really can not wait until I can see you again!


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