domingo, enero 15, 2006


i've had a lot of hard conversations with people from home lately. lives are changing and loved ones are sick and people are moving away. it's not that i didn't know this would happen when i left home. it's just that i don't think i understood how hard it would be. i feel like i'm standing on my terrace and my world is just walking on by and i don't get a say in it at all. i hope i'm not being too melodramatic, but i probably am. i like or love my life here most days. but when i ocassionally get glimpses of those at home that i want to help or love better or just be there for i feel torn. is this what it feels like to grow up? i don't know. i just have to trust that my relationship with God will sustain me through it all and will take care of the details. i'll post something happier or just different in a few days.

1 comentarios:

A las 1/16/2006 05:09:00 a. m. , Blogger Casey ha dicho...

Eva! I heart you! Wanna come use your Spanish in Mexico and be my permanent translator?!! ok, I guess I need to lean it for myself, but I thought I'd try.

On a serious note, Psalm 143, you have to read that, I think it will offer some encouragement. It has for me! It's a must read! Hang in there! No te preocupes, Cristo te ama!

Miss you.


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