viernes, enero 20, 2006


Café (Spanish) Caife (Irish) Koffie (Dutch) Kaffee (German) коФe (Russian) КАФЕΣ (Greek) Kaffe (Sweedish) Kopi (Indonesian) Kahawa (Swahili) Kahvi (Finnish) Kawa (Polish) Kafa (Serbian) these are just some of the many ways to say one of my favorite words. to see more ways so to: it all started with a gift that i recieved today in the mail. christy sent me an awesome mug that is covered with a map of the world and the word coffee translated across it. it is a beautiful gift and it got this kid excited.

2 comentarios:

A las 1/20/2006 11:12:00 p. m. , Blogger eshadevdas ha dicho...


A las 1/23/2006 10:57:00 p. m. , Blogger Casey ha dicho...

I was hoping that there would be a Starbuck close by, but I think the nearest one to be is like an hour bus ride. bummer. However, there is this quaint little coffee shop that is right between home and school. Its so small there are only 3 tables! And so far the coffee is really good!


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