martes, enero 24, 2006

lovin' it

amanda faye has recently discovered the 60 cent cone at everyone's favorite fast food spot. at least she's lovin' it. here is a spot that aj and i went with the criders for a sunday morning brunch. a couple of them had club sandwiches. weird. i had coconut pancakes with maple syrup. mmmm....i think i'll be revisiting. jonas is now walking on his own, only he perfers to hold a hand now and then to steady himself. watch out barcelona!

3 comentarios:

A las 1/25/2006 03:51:00 a. m. , Blogger eshadevdas ha dicho...

Woot party Jonas Crider is walkin', tearing apart the town, and of course.....looking as handsome as ever! Do a dance Jonas (wiggle wiggle)! :)

A las 1/30/2006 11:20:00 p. m. , Anonymous Anónimo ha dicho...

Eva! It's been forever! How are you doing? Jonas is soooooo cute in that picture! I wish I could see him walking. I miss you guys - and Spain! His love, Loren

A las 2/19/2006 05:22:00 p. m. , Blogger Wallace ha dicho...

Hey Eva! Long time no see... I just came across a little sheet of paper where you wrote down your site address... good to see you again... hope all is well down there. We will see you in april.


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